Are you constantly disturbed by pain, weaknesses or an old injury?

Discover how you can finally overcome your old injuries and END the pain you are experiencing without wasting time & money on endless visits to massages, therapies or doctor appointments

Try this empowering approach instead.

Rehabilitative Bodybuilding

Be unstoppable in overcoming injuries and building your best body

 Dear Readers,

Let me know if this happened to you…

You experienced some form of pain in your back, knee, shoulder etc. 

You thought to yourself:

“Oh shucks. I am getting old and not as healthy as before”

You probably massaged yourself, put on some ‘medical patches’ or hop from doctors to sinseh to what have you...

Chances are, you find little to no lasting relief and the pain will come back haunting you again.

You hate having to give up your active lifestyle because of pain

Instead, you want to…

  • Be active without worries

  • Enjoy your favorite sport with your family and friends

  • Make progress in your strength and fitness WITHOUT stopping

If what I’ve described is what you are feeling now, you are at the RIGHT page.

I understand, and I can help you to break free from pain and injuries

By the way, I’m Daniel Tan, Founder and Head Coach of The Bulletproof Blueprint.

Over the past 5 years, I’ve helped more than 200 clients by using my simple yet effective method - ‘Rehabilitative Bodybuilding™’ (RB) Method to get out of pain, avert surgeries and achieve peak physical condition.

The RB Method is built through investing more than 6000+ hours of research and coaching in both fitness studios and physiotherapy practice.

After working closely with 200+ clients from who experienced 

  • repeatedly frustration with getting injured, especially immediately after recovery

  • not getting real, sustained results from “quick fixes”

  • being sick and tired of being out of action

  • losing hard-earned results from training

  • or worse...

I can understand the pain that you are going through.

That is why I created The Bulletproof Blueprint and made it my life mission,

To help people like you Get AND Stay out of pain

all while continually getting stronger!

So if you want to get out of pain, recover from injuries more effectively, and get into the best shape of your life,

Apply below to reserve your spot!

Once you’ve done that, you can take a few minutes to read what I’ve prepared for you. 

These myths are the EXACT myths that held many of my clients back before becoming Bulletproof.

Knowing these will help you propel you towards your goal much faster!

 3 Little-known Myths that Hinders Proper Recovery

(and the truth behind them)

Why Rehabilitative Bodybuilding is unlike typical rehab protocols

Myth #1. You need to spend tons of time and money on endless treatments  [massages, stretching etc] to recover from injuries

Over the past many years, we have served many clients who came to us for pain and performance issues. Before seeing us, many of them spent tons of hours stretching, massaging and going for a multitude of other therapies but to no avail.

Perhaps like them, you've experienced pain and tried multiple methods to overcome it. But you saw little improvement and soon found the same pain and weaknesses bugging you again

It's not your fault. 

There are so many treatment methods and even conflicting information out there. It can be really confusing and discouraging.

You see, pain is highly complex. It can stem from a broad range and sometimes a combination of causes such as faulty movement patterns, strength imbalances, tendon weaknesses and lifestyle habits, amongst many others.

A one-size-fits-all approach just doesn't cut it.

There is a running joke in the fitness industry about coaches that would simply prescribe a simplistic, one-size-fits-all solution of recommending self-massage using a lacrosse ball as a panacea to pain.

Maybe you’ve tried an endless concoction of recovery modalities and therapies, based on Google searches, Instagram, a friend in the gym or simply guessing what you think your problem is, but to no avail.

Here’s why:

The intervention did not address the root cause of your specific needs. 

It may temporarily address the surface symptoms, but the same pain, tightness and weaknesses can return to plague you. 

Moreover, inappropriate interventions could risk exacerbating the problem.

Specificity is key

Rather than trying general or random strategies, our RB Method has helped many people like yourself to find and address the root cause quickly, so that you achieve true recovery without wasting your precious time, money and energy. 

Truth #1. Rehabilitative Bodybuilding can help you find and address the root cause of your problems quickly, so that you can achieve effective, lasting recovery

“It felt as if I had been gifted with a new shoulder. That's when I fully knew that my life's health and fitness can be entrusted into this trainer's hands.”

— Keith W, Sports and Exercise Science Graduate

 Myth #2. Your body can no longer tolerate ‘tough’ activities

Have you been discouraged from moving, playing or doing things that you like?

Perhaps you hurt yourself during training, doing an innocuous activity at home, or had a pain that came out of nowhere.

You thought to yourself:

“Oh shucks. I am getting old and not as healthy as before.”

I know how debilitating and disruptive pain can be. 

It stops you from moving freely, from being productive at work and from doing things that you like - such as playing your favorite sports or carrying your kids.

Now you’re afraid to move like you used to. 

You’re not sure whether you can pick up your kid again or perform physical tasks like you used to.

Perhaps you want to become stronger and fitter, but you’re held back by fear of training hard. 

Maybe a loved one or a doctor told you that you have to avoid “strenuous” movements.

Avoiding movement is not a true solution

Suppose you have a car engine that gets intensely overheated all the time. 

Is switching the engine off a legitimate solution that can solve the problem for good? 

Of course not. 

That's just evading the problem and allowing it to balloon out of control. 

Likewise, for your body, ignoring the problem won’t solve it.

The downside is costly

At best, you sacrifice your health and fitness goals

That sucks…. and we understand that because we aren’t just rehabilitation specialists, we are athletes ourselves.

What happens from avoiding movement is that your muscles and connective tissues will get weaker through inactivity and imbalances can worsen.

It becomes like a ticking time bomb - with the risk of a worse injury looming larger, especially when life’s demands are thrown at you. 

But it doesn't have to be like that!

The premise that your body can no longer tolerate ‘tough’ activities and training is simply untrue.

You CAN. Your body is tougher than you know.

What your body cannot tolerate isn’t activity, but imbalances and weaknesses that makes you unprepared for physical activity.

Rather than allowing your health and fitness to deteriorate, you can reverse the process. 

Purposeful exercise as medicine. 

You’ve probably tried and experienced this for yourself: Random stretches and exercises produce little results, and may even exacerbate injuries.

However, with our complete assessment, customized Rehabilitative Bodybuilding program and the watchful eye of our coaches and physiotherapists,

You can train without fear and make progress towards your health and fitness goals.

Instead of unnecessarily strenuous exercise, it would be “just right” and be tailored for your progress. 

It will help you restore structural balance in your body so you can stop feeling aches, pain and tightness all the time.

You will build your mind and body to become Bulletproof, and from there...

  • Feel Young again

  • Find Energy again

  • Become Strong again

Truth #2. Rehabilitative Bodybuilding teaches you to train right for your body, so that you can be strong, pain-free and confident. 

“I had many fears, but now I’m in the best shape of my life, able to move without being bogged by pain and fear, all without relying on endless medication and frequent visits to the doctor.

Never have I imagined that my neck, back and shoulders could be healed and strong enough to do “tough” movements like deadlifts, and I’m only getting stronger each week!”

- Amit P, Financial Analyst

 Myth #3. You only need rehabilitative training when you get pain

As a rehabilitation specialist, my second greatest anguish is seeing preventable pain and injuries happen due to improper training or sedentarism

My number one anguish? When people find themselves getting reinjured time and again themselves due to lack of continued care, and be haunted by worsening both physical and emotional pain!

The cost and cause of injuries

Injuries can cost a lot of unnecessary time, money, progress, emotional turmoil and sometimes, irreversible damage on the body. 

But the good news is that most injuries do not happen suddenly*.

Instead, it is often a build-up of multiple undetected or ignored** risk factors, such as overusing of some muscle groups, undertraining of others and suboptimal movement patterns.

*Those that occur due to abrupt external forces such as car crashes are better termed “accidents”. 

**The awful reason why pain can seem to occur and intensify suddenly is because some muscles, tendons and ligaments, are so poorly innervated (supplied with nerves) that the body does not detect any substantial pain until issues like tears and pinched nerves that lead to incessant, debilitating pain.

Why do risk factors go undetected or ignored?

Among a vexingly long list of reasons, there is one chief factor:

Most rehab programs are uninspiring and unproductive

Because typical rehabilitation sessions revolve around passive therapy, stretching, or at the very most, simple movements involving balancing, resistance bands and machines, it can get dull and monotonous after some time, especially when clients/patients don’t see the carryover to their personal goals.

What happens then is that: Getting help is often delayed until it is too late, when pain and injuries have escalated to a high degree of severity, and is stopped prematurely, when people experience some, but not full recovery, to pursue other endeavors.

For example, many athletes would rather focus on training in the gym/field for progress and “train through their pain” until they can no longer ignore the pain.

The end result is a vicious cycle of plaguing injuries and reinjuries.

An elegant solution to break the cycle

Rather than allowing issues to fester, snowball and take us by surprise, why not pre-empt, detect and resolve any deficiencies early on?

If you’ve read thus far, you should probably know the solution: it’s our Rehabilitative Bodybuilding (RB) Method!

With a customized RB program, you don’t have to spend endless hours, nights and years...

  • Doing random stretches and exercises

  • Nursing injuries with endless medication and therapy sessions

  • Being haunted by pain or

  • Avoiding an active lifestyle

Instead, we will teach you to how train in a manner that is right for your body to get into the #Bulletproof state - being strong, balanced and resilient to injuries.

Make leaps forward

What sets the RB Method apart from other rehabilitation programs is that it is purposeful, progressive and productive

The RB Method integrates rehabilitative training into your lifestyle and is built towards your personal goals - be it improving your sporting performance, having more energy or building a better physique.

That means going beyond generic stretches, basic exercises and quick fixes that leaves you circling in the same state. 

Instead of wasting hours doing the same yoga holds or humping the foam rollers for short term relief, you will be better utilising your mental and physical resources to build lasting strength and mobility

You will feel immensely motivated as you continually see tangible improvements in your fitness, energy and physique!

“Instead of being told that I need to stop playing sports and be doing the same-old rehab exercises, the entire experience felt very motivating and customized to me.”

- Sam D, Competitive Basketball Athlete

 Your Breakthrough Awaits!